Monday, August 11, 2014

Muppet Performers Share What It Was Like To Work For Jim Henson | Fast Company | Business Innovation

Muppet Performers Share What It Was Like To Work For Jim Henson | Fast Company | Business Innovation

Jim Henson didn’t need to lead by pulling rank or putting anyone down. He set the tone with his behavior--fearless, hardworking, generous, and calm--and allowed those qualities to radiate outwards from the center.

A good boss, like a good teacher, empowers his employees. This, though, is too easy to say and very hard to actually do. Most of us have egos that get in the way, worrying we will be thought of as too soft, slow, or indecisive. Henson’s agent said he “rarely spoke above a whisper.” Henson’s wife Jane said he was “so patient she sometimes want[ed] to kick him.” The creator of Kermit the Frog had what was indeed a very rare management style.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Remembering Warren Bennis, 1925-2014

The Internationally Recognized Authority On Leadership Is Dead At 89

Warren Bennis

In his own words. One of my favorites, "leadership is caught not taught".

He had left a formidable legacy that includes being a coach and mentor to Presidents, corporate leaders, and leaders of organizations and institutions of all kinds. 
He has left us the fruits of his scholarship, and for many, personal, touching and human interactions that left us, in his wake, with a transformed life.
Whether we know it or not, everyone who is involved in any kind of leadership role, owes a debt of gratitude to the late Warren Bennis.

In Memoriam

Just a few expression in memoriam: